Repeat Prescriptions
Under the terms of the Medicines Act, most veterinary medicines can only be dispensed by a veterinary surgeon.
We recommend that your pet be examined at least every six months to ensure that their medication is still effective, although some conditions may require more frequent check-ups.
We are happy to dispense flea and worming treatments as long as we have seen your pet within the last 12 months.
Please provide 48 hours’ notice when requesting repeat prescriptions.
Charges for repeat prescriptions
We charge a fee for all written prescriptions, for the professional time and resources used in putting your written prescription together. The amount charged is £12 for the first prescription and a further £5.00 for subsequent drugs. This is in line with the rest of the veterinary profession, and comparable to the fee charged for private prescriptions by your own private doctors.
What goes into your written prescriptions
- Reception will put your request onto the computer.
- A qualified nurse will check your record for approval.
- The qualified nurse will add the medications details onto the prescription.
- The qualified nuse will print the prescription.
- The qualified nurse will then save the form onto your record.
- A veterinary surgeon then checks your record for approval.
- The veterinary surgeon will then sign the prescription.
- Your prescription is then taken to reception for your collection.

Call our friendly team on 01780 762109